У меня одного, запускается только из консоли, не реагируя на ярлык?
Система - регулярка с гномом, Wayland. Версия программы заточена на последний.
[regular@host-141 ~]$ su -
[root@host-141 ~]# apt-get install shutter
Чтение списков пакетов... Завершено
Построение дерева зависимостей... Завершено
Следующие НОВЫЕ пакеты будут установлены:
0 будет обновлено, 1 новых установлено, 0 пакетов будет удалено и 0 не будет обновлено.
Необходимо получить 0B/1153kB архивов.
После распаковки потребуется дополнительно 10,8MB дискового пространства.
Совершаем изменения...
Подготовка... ######################################## [100%]
Обновление / установка...
1: shutter-0.99.4-alt1 ######################################## [100%]
[root@host-141 ~]# shutter
Subroutine Pango::Layout::set_text redefined at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3.pm line 2299.
require Gtk3.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Subroutine Pango::Layout::set_markup redefined at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3.pm line 2305.
require Gtk3.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_boxed_type_register_static: assertion 'g_type_from_name (name) == 0' failed at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 110.
at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3.pm line 489.
Gtk3::import("Gtk3", "-init") called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 110.
at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3.pm line 489.
Gtk3::import("Gtk3", "-init") called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_boxed_type_register_static: assertion 'g_type_from_name (name) == 0' failed at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 110.
at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3.pm line 489.
Gtk3::import("Gtk3", "-init") called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 110.
at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3.pm line 489.
Gtk3::import("Gtk3", "-init") called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_boxed_type_register_static: assertion 'g_type_from_name (name) == 0' failed at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 110.
at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3.pm line 489.
Gtk3::import("Gtk3", "-init") called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 110.
at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3.pm line 489.
Gtk3::import("Gtk3", "-init") called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 72
given is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 179.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 180.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 184.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 189.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 200.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 204.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 208.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 216.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 237.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
given is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 615.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 616.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
when is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/Gtk3/ImageView.pm line 619.
require Gtk3/ImageView.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
Shutter::App::BEGIN() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74
eval {...} called at /usr/bin/shutter line 74...
...Variable "$ftp_username_entry" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10243.
Variable "$ftp_password_entry" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10257.
Variable "$ftp_wurl_entry" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10269.
Variable "%session_screens" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10395.
Variable "$clipboard" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10496.
Variable "$d" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10697.
Variable "$d" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10717.
Variable "$window" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10732.
Variable "$d" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10738.
Variable "$sd" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10777.
Variable "%session_screens" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10801.
Variable "%session_screens" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10808.
Variable "%session_screens" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10815.
Variable "%session_screens" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10822.
Variable "$window" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10830.
Variable "$nav_toolbar" will not stay shared at /usr/bin/shutter line 10840.
Name "Gtk3::Gdk::SELECTION_CLIPBOARD" used only once: possible typo at /usr/bin/shutter line 298.
WARNING: gnome-web-photo is missing --> screenshots of websites will be disabled!
at /usr/bin/shutter line 9096.
Shutter::App::fct_init_depend() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 196
WARNING: Image::ExifTool is missing --> writing Exif information will be disabled!
at /usr/bin/shutter line 9115.
Shutter::App::fct_init_depend() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 196
WARNING: AppIndicator is missing --> there will be no icon showing up in the status bar when running Unity!
at /usr/bin/shutter line 9136.
Shutter::App::fct_init_depend() called at /usr/bin/shutter line 196
Subroutine lookup redefined at /usr/share/shutter/resources/modules/Shutter/Draw/DrawingTool.pm line 28.
require Shutter/Draw/DrawingTool.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 229
Variable "$self" will not stay shared at /usr/share/shutter/resources/modules/Shutter/Draw/DrawingTool.pm line 679.
require Shutter/Draw/DrawingTool.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 229
Variable "$self" will not stay shared at /usr/share/shutter/resources/modules/Shutter/Screenshot/SelectorAdvanced.pm line 840.
require Shutter/Screenshot/SelectorAdvanced.pm called at /usr/bin/shutter line 234
GLib-CRITICAL **: g_variant_type_checked_: assertion 'g_variant_type_string_is_valid (type_string)' failed at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 67, <DATA> line 19.
at /usr/bin/shutter line 321, <DATA> line 19.
Shutter::App::STARTUP(Shutter::App=HASH(0x55b82bd3f718)) called at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 67
Glib::Object::Introspection::__ANON__(Shutter::App=HASH(0x55b82bd3f718)) called at /usr/bin/shutter line 10944
GLib-CRITICAL **: g_variant_type_copy: assertion 'g_variant_type_check (type)' failed at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 67, <DATA> line 19.
at /usr/bin/shutter line 321, <DATA> line 19.
Shutter::App::STARTUP(Shutter::App=HASH(0x55b82bd3f718)) called at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 67
Glib::Object::Introspection::__ANON__(Shutter::App=HASH(0x55b82bd3f718)) called at /usr/bin/shutter line 10944
INFO: gathering system information...
Linux host-141 6.6.7-un-def-alt1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Dec 13 21:10:53 UTC 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Glib 1.3294
Gtk3 0.038
Glib built for 2.78.1, running with 2.78.3
ERROR: settingsfile /root/.shutter/settings.xml does not exist
at /usr/bin/shutter line 4928, <DATA> line 19.
Shutter::App::fct_load_settings("start") called at /usr/bin/shutter line 774
Shutter::App::STARTUP(Shutter::App=HASH(0x55b82bd3f718)) called at /usr/lib64/perl5/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 67
Glib::Object::Introspection::__ANON__(Shutter::App=HASH(0x55b82bd3f718)) called at /usr/bin/shutter line 10944
INFO: new plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/perl/spwatermark/spwatermark
Can't locate Image/Magick.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Image::Magick module) (@INC entries checked: /usr/local/lib64/perl/5.38 /usr/local/share/perl/5.38 /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /etc/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/perl/spwatermark/spwatermark line 39.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/perl/spwatermark/spwatermark line 39.
Can't locate Image/Magick.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Image::Magick module) (@INC entries checked: /usr/local/lib64/perl/5.38 /usr/local/share/perl/5.38 /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /etc/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/perl/spwatermark/spwatermark line 39.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/perl/spwatermark/spwatermark line 39.
Can't locate Image/Magick.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Image::Magick module) (@INC entries checked: /usr/local/lib64/perl/5.38 /usr/local/share/perl/5.38 /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /etc/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/perl/spwatermark/spwatermark line 39.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/perl/spwatermark/spwatermark line 39.
- /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/perl/spwatermark/spwatermark
INFO: new plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spgrayscale/spgrayscale
Оттенки серого - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spgrayscale/spgrayscale
INFO: new plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spoffset/spoffset
Позиция - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spoffset/spoffset
INFO: new plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spraise/spraise
Выступающая рамка - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spraise/spraise
INFO: new plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spsoftedges/spsoftedges
Мягкие углы - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spsoftedges/spsoftedges
INFO: new plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spsunk/spsunk
Утопленная рамка - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/spsunk/spsunk
INFO: new plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/sptornedpaper/sptornedpaper
Рваная бумага - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/sptornedpaper/sptornedpaper
INFO: new plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/sptrim/sptrim
Автокадрирование - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/plugins/shell/sptrim/sptrim
INFO: new upload-plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/upload_plugins/upload/Gyazo
INFO: new upload-plugin information detected - /usr/share/shutter/resources/system/upload_plugins/upload/Imgur
Current window manager: GNOME Shell
type_changed was emitted by widget Gtk3::ComboBoxText=HASH(0x55b82c316ca0)
qvalue_changed was emitted by widget Gtk3::HScale=HASH(0x55b82c316df0)
progname_toggled was emitted by widget Gtk3::CheckButton=HASH(0x55b82c45e0b0)
im_colors_changed was emitted by widget Gtk3::ComboBoxText=HASH(0x55b828264690)
im_colors_toggled was emitted by widget Gtk3::CheckButton=HASH(0x55b82c45e8f0)
thumbnail_changed was emitted by widget Gtk3::HScale=HASH(0x55b82c45de58)
thumbnail_toggled was emitted by widget Gtk3::CheckButton=HASH(0x55b82c45de70)
bordereffect_toggled was emitted by widget Gtk3::CheckButton=HASH(0x55b82c45dee8)
bordereffect_changed was emitted by widget Gtk3::SpinButton=HASH(0x55b82c317480)
menu_delay_changed was emitted by widget Gtk3::SpinButton=HASH(0x55b82c45d9f0)
transp_toggled was emitted by widget undef
hide_time_changed was emitted by widget Gtk3::SpinButton=HASH(0x55b82c541818)
ns_changed was emitted by widget Gtk3::ComboBoxText=HASH(0x55b82c541a40)
(shutter:18971): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 08:44:10.054: Your application does not implement g_application_activate() and has no handlers connected to the 'activate' signal. It should do one of these.
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
menu_open was emitted by widget Gtk3::ImageMenuItem=HASH(0x55b82c182e90)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
Broadcast message from regular@host-141 (Thu 2024-01-04 08:47:16 +04):
The system will suspend now!
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
menu_open was emitted by widget Gtk3::ImageMenuItem=HASH(0x55b82c182e90)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
Updating fileinfos for key: [1] - шуттер.png
(shutter:18971): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 10:41:33.609: gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf: assertion 'site != NULL' failed
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
Saving file /home/regular/Изображения/Снимки экрана/шуттер.png, png, 9
changed - [1] - шуттер.png кÑана/ÑÑÑÑеÑ.png - changed
Updating fileinfos for key: [1] - шуттер.png
(shutter:18971): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 10:42:17.785: gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf: assertion 'site != NULL' failed
changed - [1] - шуттер.png кÑана/ÑÑÑÑеÑ.png - changed
Updating fileinfos REJECTED for key: [1] - шуттер.png (not modified)
changed - [1] - шуттер.png кÑана/ÑÑÑÑеÑ.png - changed
Updating fileinfos REJECTED for key: [1] - шуттер.png (not modified)
changes-done-hint - [1] - шуттер.png
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
menu_save_as was emitted by widget Gtk3::ImageMenuItem=HASH(0x55b82c182f20)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
fct_update_tray_menu was called by Wnck::Screen=HASH(0x55b82c08f760)
Saving file /home/regular/Изображения/Снимки экрана/шуттер.png, png, 9
Updating fileinfos for key: [1] - шуттер.png
(shutter:18971): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 10:42:40.314: gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf: assertion 'site != NULL' failed
GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 7389 was not found when attempting to remove it at /usr/bin/shutter line 6957, <DATA> line 19.
at /usr/bin/shutter line 6955, <DATA> line 19.
(приводится с сокращениями - более 21000 знаков не влезает)
Между прочим, shutter, прикладная и полезная вещь...