The following key features are new in StarBoard Software 9.2 for Linux September 2010
1. Operating Environment Requirements
1.1 StarBoard
FX-63/77(G)/82(WG) Wired
FX-DUO-63/77/88W Wired
(Note: Some models may not be sold in your area)
1.2 Hardware
PC/AT Compatible Machine
CPU Intel Core2 Duo 2.4GHz
HDD 500MB of free space
Memory 1GB of free space
1.3 Linux Distributison
Ubuntu 9.04(linux-kernel-2.6.28-19-generic)
Debian GNU/Linux 5.0(linux-kernel-2.6.26-2)
(Only 32bit version is supported.)
1.4 Display Colour
High Colour (16 bits) or higher
1.5 Browser
Firefox 3 (required)
(Note: the latest service pack must be applied)
1.6 Others
Graphics card with DRI(Direct Rendering Infrastructure)
2. Other Software Requirements
2.1 SVG Support
StarBoard Software supports "SVG Tiny 1.2".
3. Changes
(1) Changed base SBS version to 9.2 from 9.1.
Please note Some of SBS 9.2 features are not included in linux.
Such as:
- Flash
- MathToolBox, Subject ToolBox
- Plugins
(2) Ubuntu10.04 support is added.
(3) Function Button Customize support is added.
(4) Multi-Touch Gesture support is added.
(5) Brazil-Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Catalan, Basque, Galician support is added.
(See attached file for more detail)
4. Notice
See notice section in online help.